Latest Gravel News

Final Report Published
The final Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan has now been finalised following the Independent review, and has formally concluded that the proposed site at Shelford is NOT included in the plan.
This is obviously fantastic news following the initial inclusion of the Shelford site in the plan and the subsequent challenge that was undertaken over a long period of time - huge thanks must go to Brian Squires and John Beynon for their unwavering efforts and excellent leadership of this challenge, and I'm sure everyone in the village will be forever grateful. 
The full report can be found at the link below:
Gravel News
At a meeting of the full County Council on January 14th 2016 it was agreed that the draft Minerals Plan which includes Shelford should go forward to a public consultation which operates from 15th February to 29th March 2016.
This consultation is about whether the process used for selection was "sound".
SAGE and the Parish Council  have jointly submitted a response and this can be seen by clicking on the links below.
Unfortunately the Minerals Team ignored our comments (and those of many others) and the draft plan was accepted by the Environmental and Sustainability Committee on 22nd September 2016. This was despite many robust and passionate arguments put forward by our local councillors who were particularly incensed that 72% of local production would be exported to South Yorkshire. (see the Nottingham Post article below).
The plan has been passed by the full Council (November 2016) and will now be laid before a Government appointed Planning Inspector who is expected to sit early in 2017.
See the link for details of the inspection process.
The County Council have now withdrawn the Minerals Plan for further analysis. An email to all correspondents reads:

Nottinghamshire County Council resolved at its meeting on 25 May 2017:


1.     That the County Council withdraws the draft Minerals Local Plan from Examination.

2.     That officers are instructed to carry out an immediate review of the methodology used to assess need for aggregates in the draft MLP taking into account the most up to date data available.

3.     That officers are instructed to prepare for the submission of a revised draft Minerals Local Plan.

A copy of the full report can be viewed as part of the agenda documents for the 25 May meeting on the Council website at  


A timetable for preparing and submitting a revised Local Plan will be published, when approved, at:


The timetable for the submission of the new Minerals Plan has now been adopted (September 2017) and is shown below:


Revised Minerals Local Plan   





Consultation on Scope,  Issues and Options  (Reg 18)

November 2017


Consultation on Draft Plan proposals

June 2018


Publication (Reg 19) and Submission

November 2018/January 2019



Examination Period

March-July 2019


Adoption October 2019

June 2019



 Update 28th November 2017

The County Council has launched two public consultations,each asking a number of questions about the basis of the assumptions and the importance that should be attached to elements of the Plan.

SAGE and the Parish Council responded to these before the deadline of 14th January 2018. 

The consultations can be found on line at



The new Draft Minerals Plan was published on 26th July 2018 and is available for consultation until 28th September. It can be accessed at

Despite the good news that Shelford is not included in the latest proposals, SAGE and the parish Council will be responding to the consultation. This will be availble on the website in the near future.

Details of the Plan Examination Process
Letter from Notts. County Council Planning Team
Microsoft Word document [13.2 KB]
Gravel plans
Nottingham Post article 23rd September 2016
NEP 23 09 2016.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [935.1 KB]
NCC Representation Form
Official form submitted to the Minerals Planners
Completed Shelford Representation Form.d[...]
Microsoft Word document [54.7 KB]
Attachment A
Additional material attached to the official response
Shelford Representation Attachment A.doc
Microsoft Word document [49.5 KB]
Attachment B
The original report submitted in December 2014
March 2016 Attachment B.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.8 MB]


Shelford Village Hall

Church Street

Shelford Nottingham

NG12 1EN


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