Church Services Information and News

Report from Shelford Church November 2016 (see attachment for more details on the Cross Fragment and the Tower Roof Repairs)


1.       We report, with regret, that we will lose our vicar, Graeme Anderson, at the end of the year. We wish Graeme and Judy well in the new appointment in Coventry.

2.       We have had it confirmed that the Saxon Cross fragment is of national significance.

3.       Messy Church continues to thrive.

4.       The tower repairs are complete and have been paid for through donations from the village and a number of charities.

5.       Opening the church on Wednesdays in summer was a success.

6.       A `Guide to Shelford Church and its History’ is now available in the church for £3.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to the following for their contributions towards the church tower repairs:

Alan Evans Memorial Trust

Alexander and Caroline Simmons Trust

AllChurches Trust Limited

Garfield Weston Foundation

National Churches Trust

Nottinghamshire Historic Churches Trust

Nottingham City Mission

Samworth Family

Rushcliffe Borough Council


Update on the Saxon Cross
Report from Shelford Church November 201[...]
Microsoft Word document [13.2 KB]
Church Repairs: Now and Then
A History of Repairs to the Church in Victorian and Modern Times
Church Repairs Now and Then 2.docx
Microsoft Word document [1.1 MB]

Monthly service pattern


1st Sunday            10.00 am    Holy Communion  

We use the modern liturgy


3rd   Sunday          6.30 pm      Compline              

A quiet, short service for the end of the day


4th   Sunday          6.30 pm      Evensong              

A traditional service with hymns 



Shelford Village Hall

Church Street

Shelford Nottingham

NG12 1EN


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